Saturday, April 30, 2011

new message

Herbert and Protobot have gone quiet again. This is a good opportunity to prepare. Next week, I'll start by explaining more about classes.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

My birthday bash!

Hello penguins, please come to my birthday
bash on saturday, time 2:50 pm, server:
Ice breaker, place: my iggy. Please come


New Stamps!

Click there to do desert mode,
I have all ice fishing stamps now. -Zack7769

New Stamps!

New message

Error. Probability of Elite Agents calculating attack: 0 percent. Wheelbot destroyed. Retreating for now.

This is from the ultimate Protobot

Monday, April 25, 2011

New message

Curse you fowl fools! How did you EVER figure Protobot's 'brilliant' plan? You must think you're 'smarter' than he is. That is from Herbert P Bear

Sunday, April 24, 2011


Hi penguins, I'm taking a break today
because it is Easter. Happy Easter
penguins!. -Zack7769

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Friday, April 22, 2011

Review by You: Exploring

Hello Penguins!

Happy Earth Day! Last week we asked if you were doing something to protect the environment for Earth Day. We were happy to hear from so many of you. You guys had some great ideas of ways to protect the Earth all year round. Here's a comment we really liked from Igloogirl3:

Next week I am going to try my best to help our environment, because it is very important! I already have ideas - saving electricity by turning off the lights, picking up rubbish that has fallen on the ground, and saving water! But of course, I think Earth Day should be EVERY day, so we can look forward to our Earth lasting longer so our future generations can enjoy it!

Thanks for your suggestions, everyone!

This Earth Day marks the return of the island's favorite pirate explorer, Captain Rockhopper. And that got me thinking... a pirate explorer would probably know a lot about Earth and all the different interesting places on it, wouldn't he? I know there are a lot of places I'd like to explore on Earth. So this week, we want to know... If you were a pirate, where on Earth would you explore?

Write your review as a short comment (50-75 words, please!) We'll pick one comment to feature in next week's Reviewed By You. If your review is featured next week, we'll add 10,000 coins to your account. Don't forget to use your penguin name so we can add the coins!

Until then... Waddle on!

-Club Penguin Team
By Billybob on April 22 2011

Club penguin Easter hunt guide

Club penguin New field op

I hate that field op! every
single time I try I fail! I'm trying
so hard now I can't get it! Good
luck on the field op.-Zack7769
I hate the new field op! I'm just terrible!

I met Rockhopper!!!

Hurray!! I met rockhopper!! I met him on Crystal;
Room: Snow Forts

Club penguin easter hunt

I'll post a video about a easter hunt guide.-Zack7769

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Two new stamps in party!

These are the two new stamps on party stamps.
The tree mob is pretty difficult I tried it but I didn't get it.
-Zack7769  lol, I got it I'll be making videos and posting it on my blog

Club penguin Meeting Rockhopper!

Club penguin Meeting Rockhopper pics

New message From gary

*Closed message - channel secure* Hmm... I think Herbert was warning us.
Put all Earth Day Party trees under
surveillance. Be ready.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

New stamp catagory!

Frankly, I think these stamps are too easy!

Club penguin earth day is here new thing too


I'll make a post about a easter scavenger hunt soon

Club penguin

Hi guys, this is Happy42999 speaking now,
I would very much like to meet other penguins
on Club penguin. I'm still looking forward to meet
new penguins!

Club penguin Earth day!

Prepare yourself for a cool Earth day party!

Herbert answered on the spyphone

So you know Protobot's plan eh? The plan I'd have to be CRAZY to support? You Environment Protecting Fools better keep an eye on the trees.


New messages

*Open message - all channels* Herbert! Are you really going to help destroy the environment??? Why would you do something like that?

Here's the second one

*Closed message - channel secure* Rookie, you can't reveal stuff like that! Now Herbert knows we know his plan!

Club penguin Earth day!

Earth day will begin later today I will make more posts
soon. Also Rockhopper is coming! -Happy42999

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Meet my Happy42999 or Zack7769

Hi penguins! I'm very lonely on
cp. With my Happy42999 I hardly
have any buddies. :-(, plz I'm really
looking forward to meeting new penguins.
plz comment, tell me a Time, Server, and Place
in the comments, oh and don't forget to tell your
penguin name!    -Happy42999

New field op

Field op area :-)

Sunday, April 17, 2011

New message

All agents- we have confirmed that Protobot and Herbert are going to attack
the Earth Day Party. They must not succeed! Orders soon.
From Gary

Friday, April 15, 2011

New play

There is now a new play at the plaza.
It's Norman Swarm!!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

New message

"A new party will be announced in this week's newspaper.
This is the info Herbert is waiting for. Stand by for orders."

That is the new message from Gary

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

New message

Here is the new message"
That's bad news. That means EVERY crab on the island is now a suspect in our investigation.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Club penguin meeting other bloggers

I am really looking forward
to meet you penguins.-Zack

Club penguin (meeting Zack7769)

If any of you would like to meet
me (Zack7769) you can just
go to the chat box. I will
even add you as a buddy
on my list! Just tell me your
penguin name, server, and place
at my iggy or somewhere. -Zack

Monday, April 4, 2011

I'm a Fire ninja too!!

My little bro thinks I'm lucky now I'm a water ninja
and a fire ninja